Monday, October 31, 2005


The Tortwixa

A few days ago a friend of mine, working out of pure genius, created one of the greatest culinary delights of our time! We were eating Fajitas at a table together discussing several different food ideas, fried New York strip, fried candy bars, pretty much frying anything.

When the genius struck: Take a small taco-sized flour tortilla wrap it around a single Twix candy bar. Microwave it for 22 seconds on high. Squirt some whipped cream into each end and enjoy!

It was amazing. The only problem was that we each had two. One pair of Twix bars each individually wrapped, micro waved, and covered in the whipped cream. Note to self: One is enough.

Today we had some other friends mention that the addition of marshmallows to the interior of the Tortwixa could increase the enjoyment factor. Though untested the idea sounds great, the Smoretwixa is born. Let me know if it is any good.

The problem I am finding is the lack of flour tortillas I have access to on a regular basis. I find a Twix just about any time and place. Microwave as well. But the tortilla is elusive. Which, in all actuality, makes the Tortwixa an even more desirable delight due to the rareness of it. Not quite a purple, the Tortwixa is defiantly a blue. So good luck to all of you out there eager to try this food invention of power and joy!

Second note to self: Don’t use online game terminology that only an obscure few people who might read your weak unread Blog will actually understand.

1 comment:

Superchikk said...

Love it.
Maybe you can get some tortillas is your week to go shopping.